The Strength of World 2020
世界最遲的賀年卡,靈感來自最喜歡的兩張塔羅牌-「世界」與「力量」。 世界牌是塔羅大牌的最後一張,象徵旅途的終點,牌裡的女神也將引領通往新的開始。 力量牌更是在去年給了我很多力量渡過困難的時刻,很喜歡這張牌表現力量的方式是用愛與平衡馴服獅子,而不是奮力的搏鬥。
Inspired by two of my favorites Major Acana Tarot cards-“ The Strength” and “ The World”
The World is an indicator of a change for you to bring about a desirable end to the Old and a good beginning to the New.
The Strength is an indicator of a power to face your problems courageously and conquering them through perseverance and will
Wish you all can dance through all the challenges and difficulties gracefully this year♥️☪️