The tree rings of growth, the trace you left
Penguin cover design practice
Norwegian Wood by Murakami
Time grows the tree.
Time leaves the tree rings.
Experience and memory grow us.
And I become the shape I am after you passed by.
I put the main characters into the tree rings and combined the wood with the vinyl concept. To reflect the music element of Beatles song and the pop music culture in 60s Japan.
看完挪威的森林時,感覺主角們是互相影響著彼此的成長,有痛苦也有美好的,經歷了彼此也因此長成了自己的樣子,也因為<Norwegian wood>這首歌的wood約翰藍儂表示過,因為當時從挪威進口的木材,普遍的被使用在傢俱中,以此隱喻為垂手可得的歡愉情感;所以選擇了用木頭來發揮,故事本身關於青少年成長的內容用年輪的概念來呈現